Gujarat Anand Kuvarpathu 1
Year of Release 2017
Area and Condition for which release Middle Gujarat conditions
Special Features: The leaf possesses small and spinous tooth having dark spot. The variety has green leaf colour. It has long thick and broad leaf.
Name of centre M & AP, Anand.
Average yield 95-135 t/ha (18 months) Fresh leaf yield; 62.79 t/ha Mucilage yield; 23.29 kg/ha Aloin-A yield

The variety, GAKP 1 yielded 106.4 t/ha fresh leaf which is 44.1 and 25.8% higher than checks Anand local and Kutchh Selection, respectively. Similarly, this variety yielded 62.8 t/ha mucilage which is 57.7 and 38.3% higher than checks Anand local and Kutchh Selection, respectively. Further, the variety GAKP 1 produced 23.29 kg/ha Aloin-A which is 105.9 and 109.3% higher over both the checks Anand local and Kutchh Selection, respectively.