Gujarat Okra Hybrid 205 (Anand Kranti)
Year of Release 2023
Area and Condition for which release Gujarat, Kharif season under irrigated condition
Special Features: Short plant stature with short internodes. It has strong serration of leaf blade margin, large leaf blade length and width with deep depth of lobbing. Fruits are dark green colour, tender, smooth having narrow acute shape of apex
Name of centre MVRS, Anand
Average yield 140 q/ha

This hybrid gave 20.00, 23.12 and 30.08 per cent higher fruit yield than the checks GJOH 4, GAO 5 and Pusa Sawani against its respective mean values in Gujarat. This hybrid depicted 30.59, 38.02 and 55.70 per cent higher fruit yield in middle Gujarat (163 q/ha) over the checks GJOH 4, GAO 5 and Pusa Sawani, respectively. The hybrid contains higher mucilage (28.51 g/kg) and chlorophyll-a (0.400 mg/g) as compared to the checks GJOH 4, GAO 5 and Pusa Sawani under natural field condition, this hybrid has less prevalence of yellow vein mosaic disease & enation leaf curl disease. It has also lower jassids, whitefly population as well as shoot and fruit damage as compared to the checks GJOH 4, GAO 5 and Pusa Sawani.