Gujarat Aerobic Rice 201 (Anand Akshat)
Year of Release 2023
Area and Condition for which release Direct Seeded Aerobic Rice growing ecosystem of Gujarat for Kharif season
Special Features: Variety has early maturity with medium plant height, more number of productive tillers and long bold grains
Name of centre MRRS, Nawagam
Average yield 3988 kg/ha grain yield

The variety gave 3988 kg/ha grain yield which is 29.3, 22.3 and 13.4 per cent higher over the check varieties, NAUR 1, GNR 8 and GNR 3, respectively. The variety has ideal milling recovery 71.10% with head rice recovery of 61.52% which was higher or at par to the check varieties and Amylose content 25.55% is at desirable level (intermediate). It has good grain and cooking quality with better nutritional quality and suitable for puffed and flattened rice. It contains total carbohydrates 70.37%, ß-carotene 1.08 ppm and protein 8.06%. The variety is moderately resistant reaction against leaf blast, neck blast and grain discoloration. Moderately resistant against white backed plant hopper and leaf folder under natural field condition.