Career List

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Advertisement for the Research Fellow in Poultry Research Scheme
Advertisement for the Research Fellow in Animal Biotechnology Dept., College of Veterinary Science, AAU-Anand
Advertisement for the Recruitment of Research Associate and Senior Research Fellow at Micronutrient Research Centre, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for the recruitment of Research Associate
Advertisement for the posts of Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow in Veterinary College
Advertisement for the post Research Fellow at Dept. of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Veterinary College, AAU, Anand - Poultry Research Scheme
Advertisement for the post Research Associate at Dept. of Animal Biotechnology, Veterinary College, AAU, Anand - AMR Training Project
Advertisement for the post RA at College of Veterinary Science
Advertisement for the post of ‘Young Professional-I’ at Tribal Research cum Training Centre, Anand Agricultural University, Devgadh Baria
Advertisement for the post of ‘Research Associate’ at Tribal Research cum Training Centre, Anand Agricultural University, Devgadh Baria
Advertisement for the post of Technical Assistant at Main Vegetable Research Station, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for the post of SRF in Veterinary College, AAU-Anand
Advertisement for the post of SRF in the Recombinant Poultry vaccine project, Dept of Animal Biotechnology
Advertisement for the post of SRF in the department of Animal Biotechnology
Advertisement for the post of SRF in Semen Sexing Project department of Animal Biotechnology
Advertisement for the post of SRF in DBT project at Dept. of Agril. Microbiology, BACA
Advertisement for the post of SRF in Bioinformatics at AAU, Anand
Advertisement for the post of SRF at Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Station, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for the post of SRF at Department of Seed Science and Technology, BACA
Advertisement for the post of SRF and RA in Semen Sexing Project Operational at Department of Animal Biotechnology
Advertisement for the post of SRF and RA in Semen Sexing Project at Department of Animal Biotech Oct 2018
Advertisement for the post of SRF & RA in NAE Project
Advertisement for the Post of Senior Research Fellow at Dept. of Animal Biotechnology, Veterinary College, Anand
Advertisement for the post of Research Fellow, at AGB Dept. Veterinary College - Sheep Research Scheme
Advertisement for the post of Research Fellow, at AGB Dept. Veterinary College - Poultry Research Scheme
Advertisement for the post of Research Fellow in AAU Project
Advertisement for the Post of Research Fellow at Dept. of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Veterinary College, Anand - Sheep Research Scheme
Advertisement for the Post of Research Fellow at Dept. of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Veterinary College, Anand - Poultry Research Scheme
Advertisement for the post of Research Fellow at Department of AGB (Sheep Scheme) Oct 2018
Advertisement for the post of Research Fellow at Department of AGB (Poultry Scheme) Oct 2018
Advertisement for the Post of Research Associate in the Department of Veterinary Public health & Epidemiology
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in NAIP schemes of Dept of Animal Biotechnology, Veterinary College, AAU- Anand
Advertisement for the post of RA,SRF and agromet observer in Department of Agricultural Meteorology
Advertisement for the post of RA, SRF and JRF in the Department of Animal Biotechnology, Veterinary College, AAU-Anand
Advertisement for the post of RA in the department of Animal Biotechnology
Advertisement for the post of RA in the department of Animal Biotechnology
Advertisement for the post of RA in DBT project at Dept. of Agril. Microbiology, BACA
Advertisement for the post of RA and SRF in Semen sexing project in cattle
Advertisement for the post of Project Manager, Project Assistant, JRF and SRF in GCRF One Health Poultry Hub Project
Advertisement for the post of Junior Teaching Associate
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research fellow at AHRS, AAU, Khambholaj
Advertisement for the post of JRF, SRF and RA
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the Camel Rumen project, Dept of Animal Biotechnology
Advertisement for the post of JRF in Dairy Microbiology Department
Advertisement for the Post of Contractual Staff (Research Fellow) in Department of Agricultural Entomology, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for the Post of Contractual Staff (Research Fellow) in Department of Agricultural Entomology, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for the post of SRF and JRF in Veterinary College, AAU-Anand
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate
Advertisement for the JRF at Collage of Horticulture
Advertisement for SRF under MSc(AA) syllabus project
Advertisement for SRF at Department of Agril. Meteorology
Advertisement for SRF at Centre for Advanced Research in Plant Tissue
Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow - VPH, Veterinary College, Anand
Advertisement for Research Associate, PRS, Vadodara
Advertisement For Research Associate (Arnej)
Advertisement for recruitment of Young Professional-I at AICRP-WM
Advertisement for recruitment of Young Professional-I at AICRP-WM
Advertisement for recruitment of Senior Research Fellows, Senior Project Associate and Scientific Assistant at Department of Agricultural Biotechnology
Advertisement for recruitment of RF/research assistant, Department of PI. Pathology
Advertisement for recruitment of RF (Walk-in-Interview) in other agency project at Dept.of Agricultural Chemistry & Soil Science, BACA, AAU-Anand
Advertisement for Recruitment of Research fellow in Veterinary Faculty
Advertisement for Recruitment of Research fellow in Agriculture Faculty
Advertisement for Recruitment of Research Associate at Pulse Research Station, AAU, Vadodara
Advertisement for recruitment of Research Assistant at AICRP-WM
Advertisement for recruitment of Research Assistant at AICRP-WM
Advertisement for Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow at Pulse Research Station, AAU, Vadodara
Advertisement for Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow at Pulse Research Station, AAU, Vadodara
Advertisement for Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow at Pulse Research Station, AAU, Vadodara
Advertisement for Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow at Pulse Research Station, AAU, Vadodara
Advertisement for Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow at Pulse Research Station, AAU, Vadodara
Advertisement for Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow at Micronutrient Research Centre, ICAR, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for recruitment of Junior Research Fellow and Young Professional-I
Advertisement for Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow (Microbiology) , DBT BioCare Project
Advertisement for recruitment of JRF in Nematology Department, AAU, ANAND
Advertisement for Recruitment of JRF at Department of Plant Pathology, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for recruitment of JRF and RA at Livestock Research Station, Veterinary College, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for Recruitment of "Project Assistant" for Poultry Research Station, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for post of Senior Research Fellows and Project Assistant
Advertisement for post of RA in Agricultural Meteorology, BACA-AAU
Advertisement for post of JRF at Dept. of Plant Pathology, BACA, AAU-Anand
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow at AICRP on Biocontrol, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow and Field Assistant at MRRS, AAU, Nawagam
Advertisement for JRF of Department of Agricultural Meteorology, BACA, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for JRF in Dairy Microbiology Department
advertisement for JRF in Animal Nutrition Research Station, AAU-Anand
Advertisement for JRF and RA at Department of Agricultural Meteorology
Advertisement for JAF (Walk in interview) Deptt. of Agronomy BACA, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for Data Entry work
Advertisement for Data Collector
Advertisement for appointment RA & SRF
Advertisement for "Young Professional- II in AICRPAM- NICRA" in Department of Agril. Meteorology"
Advertisement for "Project Assistant/ JRF and RA in Department of Agril. Meteorology"
Advertisement for "Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in Dept. of Basic Sciences and Humanities"
Advertisement for "JRF in Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities"
Advertisement 4/2015 (Non teaching)
Advertisement 2-2011 for Asst Prof / Asso Prof / Professors
Advertisement 1-2012 for Principal, Registrar, Assocaite Reserach Scientists in different discpline
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