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Walk-in-interview for the project posts of SRF & Technician at Agril. BioTech, AAU-Anand
Walk-in interview for the post of SRF at Department of Animal Biotechnology, Veterinary College, AAU, Anand
Walk-in-Interview on Dt. 13-02-2014 for the post of Driver-cum-Lab. Attendant in AINP on Pesticide Residues, AAU-Anand
Walk-in-Interview for RA & SRF posts in College of Food Processing Tech & Bioenergy on Jan 10, 2014
Teaching Associate - Walk-in Interview at Veterinary College, AAU-Anand.
Walk-In-Interview for the post of JRF at Viramgam
Walk-in-interview for JRF in Department of Nematology B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU-Anand
Walk-in-interview for JRF in AINP on Agricultural Ornithology, AAU-Anand
Walk-in-Interview for RA & SRF in Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, AAU-Anand
Walk-In-Interview for the post of Teaching Associate at Jabugam(Dist. Chhotaudaipur), AAU.
Advertisement for post of JRF at Dept. of Plant Pathology, BACA, AAU-Anand
Walk in interview at Agricultural Projects Implementation Cell (APIC - Gujarat State) at Krishi Bhavan, Gandhinagar
Walk-in-interview for the posts of SRA & JRA at Tribal Research cum Training Center, Devgadhbaria
Interview Schedule for the post of Professor / Associate Professor & its equivalents (Advt. No. 1/2013 & 2/2013) at AAU-Anand (Revised)
Advertisement for Recruitment of Research fellow in Veterinary Faculty
Corrigendum-Advertisement for Recruitment of Research fellow in Veterinary Faculty
Advertisement for Recruitment of Research fellow in Agriculture Faculty
Corrigendum-Advertisement for Recruitment of Research fellow in Agriculture Faculty
Admission for training-cum-coaching For icar national eligibility test (net)
Walk-in interview for the post of SRF at Dairy Microbiology Department
Advt No. 3/2013 for the Post of Registrar (Advt. along with Application From)
Interview schedule and REVISED List of eligible / not eligible candidate(regarding Advt 1/2013 and 2/2013)
Vacancy of research fellow in two projects at OME Research Facility, Department of Animal Biotechnology College of Veterinary Science & A. H.
Advertisements for Recruitment of Research Fellows in AGB Dept, College of Vet. Sc. AAU-Anand
Advertisement for JAF (Walk in interview) Deptt. of Agronomy BACA, AAU, Anand
Advertisement for recruitment of RF (Walk-in-Interview) in other agency project at Dept.of Agricultural Chemistry & Soil Science, BACA, AAU-Anand
Interview call for Sr. Microbiologist/Jr. Microbiologist/Lab Technician cum Asst.
Walk in Interview for the post of Teaching Associate and Research Associate
Advt. for Various Posts in RKVY project at Dept. of Microbiolgy, BACA, AAU-Anand
Recruitment of RA and SRF in Animal Nutrition Research Station, AAU-Anand
Walk-in-Interview of Research Fellow in AINP on Pesticide Residues, AAU-Anand
Walk-in-Interview of Driver-cum-Lab. Attendant in AINP on Pesticide Residues
Walk-in-Interview rescheduled to Aug 08, 2013 instead of July 17, 2013 for RA-SRF-DEO at FPTBE, AAU-Anand
WAK-IN-INTERVIEW for JRF inDepartment of Agricultural Meteorology, BACA-AAU, Anand
Walking Interview for Field Scout and JRF in Department of Entomology, BACA-AAU, Anand
Advertisement for the post of SRF in Veterinary College, AAU-Anand
Advertisement for Various Teaching Posts 2013
InterviewJRF- Department of Biochemistry, BACA, AAU-Anand
Recruitment of Research Fellows for DBT project
"RA/SRF advertisement " -RRS, AAU, Anand
Corrigendum in Advertisement for SRF in Veterinary Science College, AAU-Anand
Corrigendum :: Walk-in Interview has been arranged for various posts at Micronutrient Project and Pesticide Residue Scheme, ICAR Unit-9, AAU, Anand
Corrigendum :: Walk-in Interview has been arranged for various posts in the Dept. of Agril Biotech., AAU, Anand
Advertisement for the post of SRF and JRF in Veterinary College, AAU-Anand
Advertisement for the post of RA, SRF and JRF in the Department of Animal Biotechnology, Veterinary College, AAU-Anand
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in NAIP schemes of Dept of Animal Biotechnology, Veterinary College, AAU- Anand
Walkin Interview for SRF
Walk-In Interview for Research Associate at ICAR Unit-9, AAU - Anand
Walkin Interview for RA/SRF in AINP on Agricultural Ornithology, AAU - Anand
Walk in Interview for various posts at Dept of Microbiology,BACA, AAU-Anand
Walk in Interview for Research Associate at Devgadh baria
WALK – IN – INTERVIEW for Junior Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Plant Pathology, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand
Walk-in-Interview for Research Associate at ARS, Sansoli
Walkin Interview for SRF at BACA, AAU, Anand
Walk-in-Interview for SRA & JRA at Hill Millets Research Station, Dahod
Walk-in-Interview for Research Associate at Polytechnic in Agricultural Engineering, Dahod.
Corrigendum to the advertisement of Senior Research fellow
List of candidates called for personal interview for Third batch, Poultry Training Centre
Walk-in interview of teaching associate in Agri. Wing at Jabugam
Walk-in-Interview of Research Fellow in AINP on Pesticide Residues
Advertisement of JRF in Agronomy Department, BACA , AAU-Anand
Walkin Interview for the post of JRF in Main Vegitable Research Station, AAU-Anand
Interview Schedule for the Post of Asst. Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and its Equivallent Posts
Advertisement for the post of SRF in Bioinformatics at AAU, Anand
Cancellation of Walkin Interview for various posts at Dept. of Mircobiology, BACA, AAU-Anand
WALK – IN – INTERVIEW for the Various posts under the project Centers of Excellence on MAP functioning at Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Project, AAU , Anand.
Cancellation of WALK – IN – INTERVIEW for RF at AINP on Pesticide Residues,ICAR, Unit-9, AAU , Anand.
Advertisement for the Research Fellow in Animal Biotechnology Dept., College of Veterinary Science, AAU-Anand
Advt. No.3/2012 for the Various Teaching Posts
List of Selected Candidate and Waiting Candidate list for Appointment of Jr. Clerk-cum-typist
Walk in interview for different posts in Agronoy Deptartment, BACA, AAU, Anand
Walkin Interview for JRF in DBT project at Animal Nutrition Research Department, College of Veterinary Science & A.H., AAU, Anand.
Walkin Interview for RA at Agricultural Research Station, AAU, Derol – 389 320, Dist.: Panchamahal
Walkin Interview for Teaching Associate at Agricultural Wing Jabugam
જીનેટીક એન્હેંસમેંટ પ્રોજેક્ટ અંતર્ગત રીસર્ચ એસોસીઅએટ, સીનીયર રીસર્ચ ફેલોની ભરતી
સીડ પ્રોજેક્ટ અંતર્ગત કૃષિ ડિપ્લોમા, સ્નાતક, અનુસ્નાતક ઉમેદવારોની ભરતી
Walk-in interview forJRF/SRF at Medicine Dept, Veterinary College, AAU - Anand
Seat Numbers of the Eligible Candidates for Personal Interview for the post of Jr. Clek cum Typist
Walk-in interview for RA, SRF in Dept. of Agril. Meteorology, BACA - AAU
Seat numbers of Eligible Candidates for Typing test for the post of Jr. Clek cum Typist, Venue: University Bhavan, AAU, Anand. Reporting Time: 08.00 hrs (Exam Date is revised to 16,17-08-2012 because of Idd on 19/08/2012)(Revised)
બીટી પ્રોજેક્ટ અંતર્ગત - અંતર્ગત કૃષિ ડિપ્લોમા, સ્નાતક, અનુસ્નાતક ઉમેદવારોની ભરતી
Walk-in interview for JRF/SRF in Micronutrient Project, ICAR Schemes Unit-9, AAU, Anand
Walk-in interview for Research Fellow in the three different other agency project of Dept. of Ag. Chem. & Soil Sci. BACA, AAU, Anand.
WALK IN INTERVIEW FOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE at Agricultural Research Station, Sansoli – 387 130(Ta. Mahemdavad, Dist. Kheda)
Walk-in interview for RA, JRF in Colege of FPT&BE, AAU-Anand
Walk in Interview for Research Fellow, for the project Genetics Enhancement and Production Technology of Major crops (Soybean) grown in Tribal area at DevgadhBaria.
જાહેરાત ૨/૨૦૧૨ (બિન શૈક્ષણિક) અન્વ્યે જુનિયર ક્લાર્ક કમ ટાઇપીસ્ટની લેખિત કસોટી માટેની હોલ ટીકીટ મેળવવા અંગેની જાહેરાત.
Online Examination for IDEA, AAU
Junior Research Fellow at Biocontrol Research Unit, AAU-Anand
Postponement of Walk-in interview for RA, JRF in Colege of FPT&BE, AAU-Anand to be held on 25/07/2012
Walk-In interview for SRF in Agricultural Economics, BACA,AAU-Anand
WalkIn Interview for SRF in Dept. of Vet. MicroBiology at Veterinay College, Anand(with Revised Interview Date)
Walk-In Interview for the temporary posts of Research Fellows in Various projects at Dept. of Agril. Biotechnology, AAU-Anand
Walk in Interview for Research Fellow at Main Vegetable Research Station- Anand
ખેતી અધિકારી/સીનીયર રીસર્ચ આસિસ્ટંટ (કૃષિ) અને તેની સમકક્ષ સંવર્ગ 3 ની જગ્યાઓ ભરવા માટેની જાહેરાત
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for the posts of SRF Department of Agricultural Meteorology, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand.
Advertisement for the post of JRF, SRF and RA
List of eligible candidates for the post of Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor & its equivalent for various faculties (Advt-2/2011 & 1/2012).
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