Name of the Head of Department: Dr. Amita B. Parmar
Click Here for a brief profile
About the Department
The Department of Floriculture & Landscape Architecture was established in April 2018 and engaged in conducting research, teaching and extension work related to various aspects of floriculture & landscape architecture. This department offers courses in Ornamental Horticulture, Commercial Floriculture, Landscape Architecture, Breeding and Seed Production of Flower and Ornamental Crop, Medicinal & Aromatic plants to undergraduate students. Also department provides facility of flowers and ornamental nursery where students can be given practical exposure to the Floriculture & Landscape Architecture technologies thereby develop skill and gaining knowledge through experiential learning and rural horticulture work experience. The department also involved in different extension activities such as organizing workshops, seminars, training programmes and delivering talks/lectures for the farmers,scientists and students. This department also conduct the research on various aspects of flower crops. The department is working for teaching and research in floriculture & landscaping disciplines of horticulture for the students and farmers with the following objectives.
Courses offered by department in Under Graduates programme (5th Dean’s committee)
Sr. No. |
Course No. |
Name of Course |
Credit |
Semester |
Faculty Name |
1 |
FLA 2.1 |
Ornamental horticulture |
2 (1+1) |
II |
Mr. Urmil Chaudhary |
2 |
FLA 3.2 |
Commercial Floriculture |
3 (2+1) |
Dr. Amita Parmar |
3 |
FLA 4.3 |
Principles of Landscape Architecture |
2 (1 +1) |
IV |
Dr. Amita Parmar and Mr. Urmil Chaudhary |
4 |
FLA 6.4 |
Breeding and Seed Production of Flower and Ornamental Crops |
3 (2+1) |
VI |
Mrs. Geeta Chaudhary |
5 |
FLA 6.5 |
Medicinal and Aromatic Crops |
3 (2+1) |
VI |
Dr. Amita Parmar |
Total |
13 ( 8+5) |
Special activities carried out for hands on training (photographs with title including semester and year)
During ELP activities:
Preparing raise Bed and Growing of Various Seasonal Flower seed (7th Semester,2018-19)