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Seed Science and Technology


Department of Seed Science and Technology is an important Department of B. A. College of Agriculture, has been established in the year 2008, under 10th five-year plan which imparts education to undergraduate and post-graduate students in the disciplines of Seed Science and Technology. Significant research work is also being carried out in the field of seed production, testing and quality enhancement. Department also organized many farmers training programme under plan scheme of “training programme on seed production” for the farmers of different districts of Gujarat.


  • To strengthen undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the subject of Seed Science and Technology.
  • To initiate basic research related to the genetic purity, seed health and seed storage.
  • Characterization of released and / or improved varieties/hybrids using morphological, biochemical and molecular markers for varietal identity and registration.
  • To impart Short Term Training Programme for farmers, NGO officials and seed industry and personnel on seed production, seed processing, seed testing, seed health, seed storage, seed marketing, seed laws IPR issues and PPVFR Act to cater the needs of fastgrowing seed sector.

Plan Scheme: Govt. of Gujarat

Sr. No Title of the Project Name of PI Name of Co-PI Category of project
1 Strengthening of New Department of Seed Science and Technology (B.H. 12947) Head, Department of Seed Science and Technology, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand - Plan
2 Training Programme on Seed Production (B.H. 12988-03)  Head, Department of Seed Science and Technology, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand - Plan


Detail Information About Activities and Achievements

  1. Departmental Information
  2. Research
  3. Teaching
  4. Recommendations and Scientific Information
  5. Publications
  6. Post Graduate Students Passed Out
  7. Seminars / Trainings / Conferences / Symposia Organized
  8. Awards
  9. Infrastructure and Instruments available at the Department
Name of Professor & Head Dr. Kalyanrao Patil
Qualification Ph. D. (Seed Science and Technology)
Contact Information

02692 260690


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