Extension Education Institute, Anand

Extension Education Institute, AAU

Name of the center : Extension Education Institute                                



The Extension Education Institute (EEI), Anand is one of the four premier institutes for training of extension personnel in India. It was established on 17th September, 1962 with initial financial assistance from "Ford Foundation" through Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi. The foundation stone of this institute was laid by Dr. Douglas Ensminger of "Ford Foundation" Representative in India on Friday the 6th October 1961. By now, it has completed 54 years. This institute caters the training needs of Western Zone States viz. Gujarat, Mahasrastra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh , Goa, UTs of Dadra Nagar Haveli, Diu and Daman.

In India's National Extension Programme, professional workers constitute the link between the people and the institute created to advance economic and social change upon the character philosophy, technical knowledge and compliance of these workers largely rests for the success of the programme. Hence the quality of these workers and their training is the important element to be dealt with properly and guided wisely.

In early fifties, the Gramsevaks/Vlws served as a key-man in Community Development Programme and therefore the Government of India aimed at imparting them him by better training and supervisory assistance. As a step in this direction. Gramsevaks Training Centers were started to impart training to Gramsevaks/Vlws and Extension Officers were appointed in block for better supervisory assistance.

Education to rural masses to improve their vocation of livelihood was one of the felt needs of independent India. Community Development programme followed by N.E.S. in 1953 paved the way. But the workers, functionaries who were charged with responsibilities of rural development experienced difficulties in making head-way. The reason was obvious that they were untrained to work with people. They lacked in adequate methods and techniques to educate rural people.

Training has been viewed as one of the most vital things now-a-days. It is more a practice than a concept. It helps in developing and strengthening capabilities for better performance of job.

After the introduction of Training and Visit System (T & V System) the reorganized agricultural extension system in 1978-79, the large number of subject matter specialists are trained with modern technology of agriculture as well as communication skill for transfer the same. The EEI, Anand has conducted various workshops on communication and Extension Methodology for SMSs / Assistant Directors / SDAOs etc. working in T & V system of Western Zone states.

The existing T & V system has played a dominant role in increasing production of crops in irrigated areas, however, it had limited relevance to small and marginal farmers particularly under rain fed conditions. There is a growing realization that for suitable agriculture development the existing services should be broad based so that farmers could be advised on all their land based and live stock based activities. The broad based agriculture extension services would need to take a holistic approach in improving the production, productivity and income of the farmers. Keeping broad based extension in view, all the field functionaries as well as extension specialists need to be trained by EEI in Communication and Extension methodology.

Extension training in India has passed through three decades. But the decade of eighties is significant. The varieties of training programmes, new areas of training intensity and approach etc. are some of the important features of the current decade. The Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi has also adopted a suitable strategy for increasing the effectiveness of the training. The first step towards this direction taken was systematic planning of programmes as per needs of the state and their personnel. Therefore, an exercise of planning at the Annual Training Planning Workshop has become a regular yearly feature of the Directorate of Extension, Government of India since 1981.


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