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Extension Education Institute, Anand

Mandate, Objectives and Role of EEI

         Human Resource Development has been viewed as one of the most vital issue now-a-days. Training is a key tool for that. It is more a practical than a concept. It helps in developing and strengthening the capabilities for better performance of the job.

The main mandate of EEI, Anand is to train middle level extension functionaries of various line departments to improve upon their job performance wherever they are working in different capacities.

        The crucial objective of Extension Education Institute, Anand is to prepare high quality extension professionals who can serve in their concerned line departments / SAUs / Institutes in a better way.


The Specific Objectives of this institute are:

1. To provide learning experience that leads to an increasing understanding of the extension education process and their application in the rural development programs.

2. To develop among trainees a thorough understanding of the basic principles of learning, teaching and skill in the procedures and techniques of applying them both in class room and field conditions.

3. To demonstrate effective extension education teaching procedures, methods and techniques.

4. To develop and carry on a continuous research in the methods and procedures of extension education.

5. To prepare and publish useful basic material relating to extension education process.

6. To acquaint trainees with the sources of useful information and material related to their professional need and help them to develop skills in collecting, processing and use of such information.


Role of EEI :

       The ATMA approach has been adopted across the country and some of the states of Western Region have started single window system in which all land-based activities are carried out. The technical manpower may be proficient in subject-matter knowledge of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Fisheries Science, Sericulture or any related fields; however they are lacking the requisite skills of transmitting the research messages to the farming community effectively. Likewise, the master trainers of SAUs and Extension Officers of NGOs / Corporate Sector also require the trainings. EEI has to play a specific role for this purpose.


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