Centre for Communication Net work, Anand


To impart practical training to young farmers (farmers son) in Agricultural technology for the period of two years. After completion this course they go to their farm (Village) and utilize their knowledge in the improvement of their farming, thus, this training will be held them to increase their farm production and farm income.

  1. To impart theoretical and practical know –how of agricultural technology to children of farmers in middle Gujarat
  2. To confer the 'Diploma of Agriculture certificate to the students after successful completion of two years.

To impart practical training to young farmers (farmers son) in Agricultural technology for the period of two years. After completion this course they go to their farm (Village) and utilize their knowledge in the improvement of their farming, thus, this training will be held them to increase their farm production and farm income.

  1. To impart theoretical and practical know –how of agricultural technology to children of farmers in middle Gujarat
  2. To confer the 'Diploma of Agriculture certificate to the students after successful completion of two years.
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