Sheth D.M. Polytechnic in Horticulture, AAU, Vadodara


Polytechnic in Horticulture Programme:
The Diploma/ Polytechnic in Horticulture programme consists of 6 Semesters (3 years) course. The programme commence generally in the month of July/August. The programme comprises of three components – course work, qualifying examinations (internal and external) and training modules. The medium of instruction is English.
Total 42 courses including five specialized areas identified for experiential learning covering 12 disciplines are designed for newly sanctioned polytechnic in horticulture in such a manner that high quality theoretical and practical training shall be imparted to the students.

1. To provide practical knowledge of horticulture to the Former's sons.

2. To train the candidate for recruitment at various governments department and private sectors after completion of the study.

3. To improve own Farming for Horticulture crops and encourage the farmers.

                   In order to achieve the objectives and to meet to-day's need of an agriculture sector. Total 42 courses including five specialized areas identified for experiential learning covering 12 disciplines are designed for newly sanctioned polytechnic in agriculture in such a manner that high quality theoretical and practical training shall be imparted to the students.


Vocational Course on Landscape Gardening:
This one year certificate course was started at Sheth D. M. Polytechnic in Horticulture College in 2012 in Gujarati medium. The main aim is to generate the self-employment of any age of the people from 15 to 45 years old who are interested in relation to landscape gardening business.
Ø To impart knowledge on the recent trends in the field of landscape gardening and developing practical skills.
Ø To design, build and maintain innovative, beautiful and enduring landscapes.
Ø To create the interest of gardening among rural/urban people.
Ø Space creations with use of plant material (static and moving spaces).
Ø Principles of optical composition in design with plant material.

Polytechnic Regulation....Click here


Time Table :- Academic Year 2024-25 (Semester : II / IV / VI)


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