Main Maize Research Station, Godhra

Agro-climatic information

  1. Name of the : Middle Gujarat Agro Climatic Zone-III
  2. Rainfall : 650 to 750 mm
  3. Soil : Soil of the centre is sandy type containing 80 per cent sand and 20 per cent clay. Water holding capacity is very poor. Depth of the soil is about 2.5 feet.
  4. Temperature : This centre comes in middle Gujarat Agro climatic Zone-III AES-II.The winters are cold having minimum temperature up to 6.0o C and summers are hot. The maximum temperature rise upto 44.0o C The monsoon commences early i.e. around 15th June and withdraws by 1st week of September. Average total rainfall is around 650-750 mm having rainy days 32.
  5. Geographical Details : The Main Maize Research Station is located on National Highway No.58 near Dholakuva village at distance of 5 km in eastern direction from Godhra town on A'bad-Dahod-Indore National Highway. Godhra is district headquarter of Panchmahals (22.45o N and 40o S). The elevation of Location is 119.4 meter above mean sea level (MSL).
  6. Soil properties : Soil nitrogen availability is 0.043 to 0.046 percent medium in phosphorus and high in potash. Nitrogen - 0.043-0.046 % (Low) Phosphorous - (Medium) Potash - (High)

Type : Sandy Loam, medium to poor productive and responsive to fertilizers

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