Experiments Candidates 2022-23:
Sr. no. | Title of the experiment |
Department of Fruit Science | |
1. |
i. Effect of time and length of pruning on yield and quality of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) under middle Gujarat conditions |
Department of Vegetable Sciences | |
2. |
i. Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and quality of onion ii. Effect of different time of transplanting and spacing on growth and yield of Knol-khol under middle Gujarat conditions. |
Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture | |
3. |
i. Effect of spacing and nitrogen on growth, flowering, yield and shelf life of desi rose under middle Gujarat conditions. ii. Effect of seed treatment on germination of foxtail palm (Wodyetia bifurcata) iii. Effect of different growing condition and media on growth and flowering of orchid. |
Department of Post Harvest Technology | |
4. |
i. Development of Production Technology for Bottle Gourd based Carbonated Beverage ii. Production of premium quality powder with maximum retention of essential oil using cryogenic grinding of dill seed. |
Department of Plant Protection | |
5. |
i. Evaluation of organic inputs against aphid infesting broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.) ii. Evaluation of eco-friendly inputs against sucking pests of potato iii. Bio-efficacy of ready mix fungicides against powdery mildew of fenugreek iv. Bio-efficacy of ready mix fungicides against powdery mildew of coriander v. Efficacy of nano-particles against powdery mildew of coriander (Feeler Trial). |
Department of Natural Resource Management | |
6. |
i. Evaluation of nutrient management modules in okra + cowpea - cabbage + fenugreek intercropping system ii. Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). |
Department of Social Sciences | |
7. |
i. Growth in Area Production and Productivity of Vegetable Crops in Gujarat ii. Growth in Area, Production and Productivity of Spices and Flower Crops in Gujarat. |
Department of Basic Sciences | |
8. |
i. Detection of late blight and early blight diseases of potato using deep learning. |
Ongoing experiments 2021-22:
Sr. no. |
Title of the experiment |
Department of Vegetable Sciences |
1. |
Evaluation of vegetables during different season under different shade net condition |
2. |
Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and quality of onion |
Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture |
3. |
Effect of spacing and nitrogen on growth, flowering, yield and shelf life of desi rose under middle Gujarat conditions |
4. |
Department of Post Harvest Technology |
5. |
Development of Production Technology for Bottle Gourd based Carbonated Beverage |
6. |
Standardization of Drying Technology for Guava leaves Powder |
7. |
Standardization of Drying Technology for Lime leaves Powder |
Department of Plant Protection |
8. |
Evaluation of organic inputs against aphid infesting Broccoli |
9. |
Management of aphid in coriander through insecticidal seed treatments and bio-pesticides |
Department of Natural Resource Management |
10. |
Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) |
11. |
Evaluation of nutrient management modules in okra + cowpea - cabbage + fenugreek intercropping system |
Department of Social Sciences |
12. |
Growth in Area Production and Productivity of Fruit Crops in Gujarat |
Department of Basic Sciences |
13. |
Comparison of different statistical models to forecast the area, production and productivity of major fruit crops of Gujarat |
New experiments 2021-22:
Sr. no. |
Title of the experiment |
Department of Fruit Science |
1. |
Effect of time and length of pruning on yield and quality of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) under middle Gujarat conditions |
Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture |
2. |
Effect of seed treatment on germination of foxtail palm (Wodyetia bifurcata) |
Department of Plant Protection |
3. |
Bio-efficacy of ready mix fungicides against powdery mildew of coriander |
Department of Social Sciences |
4. |
Growth in Area, Production and Productivity of Vegetable Crops in Gujarat |
Department of Basic Sciences |
5. |
Detection of late blight and early blight diseases of potato using deep learning |
P.G. Students experiments 2021-22
Sr. no. |
Title of the experiment |
Department of Fruit Science |
1. |
Effect of scion precuring and time of grafting on softwood grafting in sapota (Manilkara acharas (Mill.) Fosberg) cv. Kalipatt |
Department of Plant Protection |
2. |
Biology and biopesticidal management of Psyllid infesting Dodi |
Floriculture and Landscape Architecture
Sr. No. |
Recommendation |
Scientific community/farming community |
Year |
1 |
The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro climatic zone are recommended to grow spider lily at spacing of 60 x 60 cm with recommended dose of fertilizer (20 t FYM, 300 + 200 + 200 kg NPK/ha ) and 2 sprays of gibberellic acid @ 200 mg/ liter of water for getting higher yield and net return. Apply spray of gibberellic acid at 45 and 60 days after planting of bulbs in first year and from second year onwards, spray at 45 and 60 days after cutting of leaves. |
Farming |
2017-18 |
2 |
The farmers of middle Gujarat growing gladiolus cv. “American beauty” are advised to apply 250 kg N /ha in three equal splits each at basal, 30 and 45 days after planting of corms along with 50 kg P2O5 /ha as basal for getting longer spike of gladiolus and net return. Moreover, 10 t FYM/ha as basal and 100 kg K2O/ha apply in two equal splits each at basal and 45 days after planting of corms. |
Farming |
2018-19 |
3 |
Farmers/nurserymen cultivating marigold in middle Gujarat agroclimatic zone are recommended to propagate 4-5 cm long herbaceous shoot tip cuttings of African marigold cv. Calcutta Selection in plug tray media of Sandy loam soil + FYM (1:1) OR FYM alone OR Sandy loam soil + Vermicompost (1:1) OR Vermicompost alone for getting higher survival of plants/cuttings and net profit.
Farming |
2019-20 |
Post- Harvest Technology
Development of value added product containing Green Wheat (Ponk) and Chickpea ola (Ponk)
Name of the scientist: Dr. Gayatree Jadeja, Dr. H.G. Bhatt (FQA), Er. Amee Ravani (FPT),
Mrs. Heena Chavda, Dr. R.R. Gajera
Recommendation 1:
A satisfactory green wheat ponk can be prepared by roasting wheat earhead in oven at 200˚C for 20 minutes followed by drying under shadow for 30 minutes. The ponk dully filled in food grade airtight plastic container will have safe storage life of about six months. The farmers, entrepreneurs and agro processing units interested in production of green wheat ponk are advised to use the technology developed by Anand Agricultural University.
Recommendation 2:
A satisfactory chickpea ponk can be prepared by roasting green chickpea pods in oven at 200˚C for 20 minutes followed by drying in oven at 100˚C for 1 hour. The chickpea ponk dully filled in food grade airtight plastic container will have safe storage life of about four months. The farmers, entrepreneurs and agro processing units interested in production of chickpea ponk are advised to use the technology developed by Anand Agricultural University.
Recommendation 3:
A healthy value added Jadariyu can be prepared by using 35% wheat ponk flour, 15% chickpea ponk flour, 25% ghee, 20% sugar and 5% milk. The Jadariyu duly packed in food grade airtight plastic container will have safe storage life of about fifteen days. The farmers, entrepreneurs and agro processing units interested in production of Jadariyu are advised to use the technology developed by Anand Agricultural University.
Recommendation 4:
The farmers, entrepreneurs and agro processing units interested in production of satisfactory value added ponk khakhara are advised to use the technology developed by Anand Agricultural University.
a) Wheat ponk khakhara can be prepared by incorporating 70% wheat ponk flour with wheat flour. The product duly packed in aluminium foil will have safe storage life of about 75 days.
b) Chickpea ponk khakhara can be prepared by incorporating 35% chickpea ponk flour with wheat flour. The product duly packed in aluminium foil will have safe storage life of about 45 days.