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Agricultural Research Station, Sansoli - Nenpur


Agricultural Research Station

Anand Agricultural University

Sansoli - 387130 (Gujarat)

Phone : +91 6354254612


The Agricultural Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Sansoli is the leading station for castor research in middle Gujarat established in 2008. This centre is located near Mahemdavad taluka of Kheda district which is 26 km away from Ahmedabad and 45 km away from Anand on Gujarat State High Way No. 3. This research centre is exclusively engaged for research in castor crop as well as production of various classes of seeds of crops like paddy, wheat, groundnut, castor, soybean, maize etc. The mandates and brief salient achievement of this centre are given as below.


  • Development of early maturing high yielding hybrids/varieties of castor having resistance to nematode wilt complex in irrigated condition which can fit well in paddy-castor and other cropping sequences.
  • Development of high yielding and high oil hybrids/varieties of castor having drought tolerance suitable for restricted irrigated conditions.
  • To develop castor hybrids and there suitable agro techniques to improve quality characteristics aiming at improving value addition.
  • Transfer of Technology: To organize training programme in Production technology to farmers, seed production technology to seed producing agencies and Hi-tech training on various aspects of castor research to technocrats/scientists, teachers, students and also to industry people. The Post Graduate students (M.Sc. Agri & Ph.D) will be specifically trained on various aspects of castor research through research work during the course of their studies.
  • To act as a knowledge centre for farmers, seed industry personnel and NGO officials by arranging short term trainings on seed production, seed processing, seed testing, seed health, seed storage, seed marketing, seed laws, IPR issues and PPVFR Act to cater the needs of fast growing seed sector.
Salient achievements


Total 02 varieties are released click here

Total 17 technologies are developed click here

One variety is proposed for registration under PPV & FRA click here

About 200 castor germplasms are maintained at this centre click here

About 05 Long term Projects/Schemes and 01 adhoc Projects/Schemes are in operation at this centre click here

Total 15 Projects/Schemes are completed successfully click here

About 24 Research Paper published in International journal and 10 in National journal from this centre click here

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