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Agricultural Research Station, Sansoli - Nenpur


Name of the Agro climatic zone


Middle Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone-III

Rain fall


The Annual rainfall of this region for the last 30 years ranges from 293 to 1658 mm with an average precipitation of 744 mm



MaxT : 41.90 °C MinT : 15.90 °C  AvgT: 33 °C 

Geographical details


Climate : Sub tropical,

Lattitude : 220 81’ N, Longitude : 720 75’ E
Height above Sea level : 33 m

Soil Properties of the centre


Type : Sandy Loam, typical Goradu, alluvial in origin

Ec (1:2.5, ds/m): 0.32 – 0.63

pH (1:2.5) : 8.25-8.85
Organic Carbon  (%) : 0.29-0.49, Low
Total N (kg/ha): 561-950, High
Available P2O5 (kg/ha) : 13.68-58.03, Medium to high
Available K2O (kg/ha) : 154-299, Medium to high

Fe (ppm) : 6.07-14.13, Medium to high

Mn (ppm) : 11.35-21.96, High

Zn (ppm) : 1.10-4.12, High

Cu (ppm) : 0.64-1.26, High

S (ppm) : 12.43-38.14, Medium to high

Cropping system of the region


Paddy-Wheat/Culcutti tobacco-Vegetables

Pearlmillet-Wheat/Mustard-Vegetables/Forage crops

Wheat-Forage crops-Vegetables


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