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Regional Cotton Research Station, Viramgam

Regional Cotton Research Station , AAU, Viramgam


Regional Cotton Research Station
Anand Agricultural University,
Viramgam-382 150,

Dist. Ahmedabad (Gujarat)

 Phone : Office :07929900114



The Regional Cotton Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Viramgam is the research centre for Cotton in North-West Agroclimatic Zone-V of Gujarat with multidisciplinary research work in Desi Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) and Sorghum. The centre is located in North Gujarat at 230 06’ 53" North Latitude and 720 03’ 1" East Longitude and Altitude of 36.5 m on State Highway No 17 connecting Ahmedabad and Viramgam. The station is well connected with railways to almost all corners of the country. The station shoulders responsibility for Wagad Cotton Zone, spanned over 5.50 Lakh hectares in seven districts viz., Ahmedabad, Surendranagar, Mehsana, Patan, Kutch, Banaskantha and part of Rajkot. Gujarat occupied world’s biggest cultivated area of Gossypium herbaceum cotton which is 20 per cent area of the cotton grown in Gujarat. The mandates and brief salient achievement of this centre are given as below.




  • To breed, screen and evolve high yielding genotypes of G. herbaceum having consistence performance with high ginning out-turn and having fibre quality attributes suitable to modern textile requirements for low cost agriculture. 
  • To evolve short duration genotypes, tolerance to drought, salinity and water logging conditions and use them in breeding / selection of better genotypes.
  • To assess agronomical requirements for higher quantitative and qualitative gains from the newly developed genotypes.
  • To ascertain plant production and protection package for getting higher quantitative and qualitative gains from the newly developed genotypes.
  • Breeder / Nucleus seed production of the released and newly developed closed / semi-open varieties / genotypes of herbaceum cotton.
  • Collection, evaluation and maintenance of indigenous and exotic Germplasm of cotton.
  • Dissemination of the technology of deshi cotton to the farmers.


  • To develop and screen genetic materials for dual purpose sorghum having good quality attributes with high yield.
  • Collection, evaluation and maintenance of indigenous germplasm of sorghum.


Salient achievements

Total 7 varieties are released Click here

Total 9 technologies are developed Click here

Total 3 varieties registered under PPV&FRA Click here

About  361 germplasm accessions of cotton maintained at the centre Click here

About 21 Germplasm accessions of sorghum maintained at the centre Click here

About 6 long term Project/Scheme and 1 adhoc Project/Scheme are in operation at this centre Click here

Total 6 Research Paper published in International journal from this centre Click here



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