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Regional Cotton Research Station, Viramgam





  • To breed, screen and evolve high yielding genotypes of G. herbaceum having consistence performance with high ginning out-turn and having fibre quality attributes suitable to modern textile requirements for low cost agriculture. 
  • To evolve short duration genotypes, tolerance to drought, salinity and water logging conditions and use them in breeding / selection of better genotypes.
  • To assess agronomical requirements for higher quantitative and qualitative gains from the newly developed genotypes.
  • To ascertain plant production and protection package for getting higher quantitative and qualitative gains from the newly developed genotypes.
  • Breeder / Nucleus seed production of the released and newly developed closed / semi-open varieties / genotypes of herbaceum cotton.
  • Collection, evaluation and maintenance of indigenous and exotic Germplasm of cotton.
  • Dissemination of the technology of deshi cotton to the farmers.



  • To develop and screen genetic materials for dual purpose sorghum having good quality attributes with high yield.
  • Collection, evaluation and maintenance of indigenous germplasm of sorghum.
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