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Regional Research Station, Anand

Agro-climatic information

Name of the Agro climatic zone

Middle Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone-III
Agro Ecological Situation (AES) – II


Rain fall :

The annual rainfall of this region for the last 25 years range from 600 mm to 1200 mm with an average precipitation of 860 mm



The soils of the farm are sandy loam in texture, poor in organic carbon, medium in available phosphorous and high in potash. The depth of the soil is more than 30 m



Summer : Max. : 41.5 °C Min. : 20.2 °C
Winter : Max. : 37.6 °C Min. : 9.0 °C


Geographical details

Climate : Subtropical, Lattitude : 22’ 35 N, Longitude : 72.55 mt. E
Height above Sea level : 45.11 m


Soil Properties:

Type : Sandy Loam, Highly Productive
pH : 7.75
Organic Carbon : 0.30-0.40%, Medium
Available N2 : 250-280, Medium
Available P2O5 : 40-50, Medium
Available K2O5 : 250-300, Medium


Water Quality:

EC (dsm-1) : 0.25
SAR : 5.8
RSC (meq/lit) : >1
Class : Good
Fluoride : NIL



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