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Main Rice Research Station, Nawagam

Main Rice Research Station, Nawagam

Main Rice Research Station

Anand Agricultural University

Nawagam- 387 540

Phone: (02694) 299122



    The station was established in 1945 by the Deptt. of Agriculture of Imperial Government of British ruler. With the formation of the Gujarat State in 1960, the station was developed as the Main Rice Research Station. In 1971 with the commencement of the All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP), the Posts of the Associate Research Scientists and Assistant Research Scientist in the discipline of Plant Breeding, Agronomy, Plant Pathology, Entomology and Statistics were created.

    In 1972 the MRRS along with its sub-centres were transferred from state administration to the Gujarat Agricultural University. The technical guidance in the rice research in Gujarat State is solely governed by the Research Scientist (Rice). He is also working as Coordinator for the All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP) and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) research programme in the University. From year-2004 onward this center is under administration and control of Anand Agricultural University, Anand.



  • To coordinate multi-disciplinary and multi-location research activities in different and varied agro-eco situations of the Gujarat state, in order to identify appropriate varietal and management technologies for the different agro eco-situations.
  • To evolve high yielding and quality varieties of rice resistant to prevailing pests and diseases under varied conditions of cultivation viz., Low land (transplanted), Upland (drilled), hilly, saline, alkaline and sodic in kharif and summer seasons.
  • To conduct strategic and applied research on all thrust areas of irrigated (favourable eco system), upland drilled rice and salinity prone areas (fragile eco system).
  • To facilitate exchange of information and germplasm among scientists and organizations at national and international levels.
  • To evolve integrated and eco-friendly control measures for pest and diseases.
  • To multiply genetically pure seed of improved varieties (nucleus and breeder seed) and to distribute the breeder seed among the indenting agencies as per their state and national demand.
  • To evolve remunerative package of practices of rice cultivation and their dissemination for the welfare of the farmers.
  • To develop and manage information systems, organize state/national level training programme/workshops/khedutshibirsetc; and to serve as a source of information on all the aspects of rice research and development.
  • To impart post graduate training in rice crop in different disciplines.
  • Coordination and monitoring of rice research work in the state which includes planning, implementation and execution.


Salient achievements during last 5 Year

Total 53 varieties are released Click here

Total 16 technologies are developed for the farming and scientific community Click here

Total 5 varieties registered under PPV- FRA Click here

About 518 Germplasms are maintained at this centre.

About 13 long term Projects/Scheme are in operation at this centre Click here

About 7 adhoc project are in operation Click here

Total 7 project/scheme are completed successfully Click here

Total 44 Research papers are published in International journals and in National journals from this centre Click here

Total 10 awards received by the scientists Click here

Total 1366.55 quintals breeder seed of popular varieties was produced to fulfil state and national indent during last five years Click here

Total 106 Nominations of different entries for crop improvement, entomology and pathological trials of AICIRP on Rice during last five years Click here



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