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Main Rice Research Station, Nawagam

Agro-climatic information

Name of the Agro-climatic zone Middle Gujarat Agro Ecological Situation Zone : Zone-III 
Rainfall The Annual rainfall of this region for the last 30 years ranges from 293 mm. to 1658 mm. with an average precipitation of 870 mm
Soil The soil of the station and its surround-dings is medium black deep to very deep, poorly, drained and salt affected
Temperature The climatic conditions of the area repre-sents the subtropical conditions with semi arid climate. The monsoon commences by third week of June and ceases in September. The July & August are the month of heavy rains. The Winter is medium cool & dry. While, Summer is quite dry & hot. The January is the coolest month of Winter with mean monthly minimum temperature varying from 9.40C. to 29.60C., on the other hand May is the hottest month in which the maximum temperature varies from 21.00C., to 43.30C
Geographical Details Climate : Sub tropical
Latitude : 22-48 N
Longitude : 71-43 E
Altitude : 32.4 M
Temperature : 90 to 430 C. degree centigrade
Average rainfall: 870 mm. (last 30 years)
Soil properties
Type Medium black deep to very deep, Poorly Drained, salt affected
pH 7.2 - 7.9
Organic Carbon 0.55-0.62
Available N2 0.46 - 0.53 kg/ha
Available P2O5 88-92 kg/ha
Available K2O 688- 889 kg/ha
Water Quality
EC(dsm-1) 1.1 dsm-1
SAR 16.08
RSC (meq/lit) 8.8
Class --
Fluoride --


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