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Agricultural Research Station, Dahod


(1) Scheme for Strengthening Research in Hill Millet (B.H.5002-03)

o   Exploitation and use of variability for the development of high yielding varieties resistant to biotic and abiotic               stresses including wider adaptability.

o   To evolve the varieties having added value of high nutrition in respect to proteins in grains.

o  To develop the remunerative and sustainable production technology this, suits the farmers of this agro climatic zone.

o  Diversification of genotypes having high productivity resistant to major insect pests and diseases specially smut in          finger millet.

(2) Project for Research in pulses (B.H.5007)

(3) Scheme for Strengthening Research in Pulses (B.H.7007)

(4) Scheme for Strengthening Research in Pulses (B.H.12007)

(5) Varietal Development in Chickpea for Tribal Area (B.H.12979-05)

o   Exploitation and use of variability for development of high yielding  varieties suited to highly undulated & stony soil       of Dahod and Panchmahals districts for crops  namely Urdbean, Mungbean , pigeon pea, cowpea & chickpea.

o   To develop the suitable & profitable production technology this, suits to the farmers of this agro-climatic zone.

o   Screening genotypes against major pests & diseases for pulses mainly pigeonpea & chickpea. Microbiological testing       for identification of effective rhizobium strains.

(6) Scheme for Improving Research Facilities in Maize (B.H.12005)

o   Evaluation of high yielding early maturing and diseases & pests resistant varieties/hybrids of maize.

o   To develop the appropriate agronomic practices suited to local conditions.

o   Screening of genotypes of maize against its major pests & diseases.

o   Seed production of hybrid and variety of maize.

(7) Genetic Enhancement and production technologies of major crops grown in Tribal area (B.H.12979)

o   To identify appropriate crop and its variety.

o   To standardize production technology including organic farming.

o   To assess the quality of produce.

o   To study chemical and Non-chemical control of rhizome rot and leaf spot of Ginger.

o   To develop post harvest value addition and processing technology.

o   Development of high yielding disease and pest resistant varieties of upland paddy   with better grain qualities.

o   Development of paddy varieties possessing tolerant to moisture stress at different growth stages.

o   Developing production practices for higher yield of paddy under rainfed cultivation.

(8) Development of Garlic and Ginger Variety Suitable for Value Addition and its Production Technology                         (B.H.12979-03)

o   Strengthening of genetic resources of ginger and garlic.

o   Development of high yielding varieties with superior quality attributes.

o   Development of superior line(s) for value addition, production and protection technology.

(9) Scheme for Training to Tribal Farmers, farm women and Youth (B.H.6704-06)

o   Training present and prospective farmers in the proficiency of farm technology and management through                       participation experiences.

o   Providing opportunities for self employment through the development of forest by improving forest production.             Agriculture and other farm products.

o   Training skilled workers and technicians for supporting services needed by the farmers for farm mechanization and         plant protection techniques.

o   Imparting training in pre harvest and post harvest technology to farmers farm women and farm youth.

o   Helping the tribals in their upliftment socioeconomic condition through raising the production in agriculture, animal       husbandry, forest and allied   areas.

o   Training tribals in animal nutrition and care and thus increase their milk production.

o   Training tribals in poultry farming, fishery, goatery and piggery.

o   Training tribals in the repairs and maintenances of farm implements.

(10)  Strengthening of Agri Poly Clinic for Tribal Farmers at Dahod (B.H.12978)

o   To identify, diagnose the diseases, pest and abiotic disorder of field crops in tribal area.

o   To strengthen the existing Tribal Training Centre in terms of infrastructure, office building, equipment, renovation         of farmers hostel and minor repairing of the present structure.

o   To establish Agri-Polyclinic and Soil Testing Laboratories for diagnosis of the specimen related pest, diseases, soil           samples etc.

o   To suggest timely preventive/curative/remedial measures to save the crops from various kind of losses in the field.

o   To provide guidance to the tribal farmers, farm women and farm youth for agricultural and allied practices.

o   To visit the field of tribal farmers, where the disorders/diseases have actually appeared to clear idea of the damage       and symptoms of the abnormality so as to help in diagnosis the diseases and disorders.

o   To provide feedback to concerned scientist in planning the need base research.

o   To collect soil samples and make soil analysis.

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