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Agricultural Research Station for Irrigated Crops, Thasra


(A)    Cotton Research Scheme

  • To evolve the variety of cotton resistance against root-rot disease caused by the soil fungus Macrophemina phaseoli.
  • To find out suitable agronomic practices checking the root-rot disease of cotton.

(B)    Paddy (Kharif and Summer), Wheat, Gram and Vegetable Research Scheme

  • To find out the suitable Agronomical practices of Paddy (Kharif and Summer), Wheat, Gram and Vegetable Research Scheme pertaining to manuring fertilizer, time of planting, spacing, intercropping, weed management etc. 

(C)  Water Management research scheme

  • To workout the irrigation and water requirement for different crops, develop proper water management practice for different crop and cropping sequence, assess the effect of irrigation on soil changes and its productivity and find out the proper method of irrigation for different crops.

(D)  Sardar Sarovar Irrigation Research Project

  • Demonstration on recommended technologies in different crops.
  • Analysis of soil samples in Narmada Command Area.
  • Transfer of Technology through organizing training of the farmers, Khedut Shibir and Field Day.        


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