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Agricultural Research Station for Irrigated Crops, Thasra

Achievements (Research Recommendations for the farmers):


         Recommendations for farming community:

    (A) Cotton Research Project

          Following points have been found effective in checking the root-rot disease of cotton.

    1. Moth bean should be grown as inter crop between two lines of cotton to minimize soil temperature
    2. Cotton crop should be sown in second week of July.
    3. Use 40 cartloads of FYM/ha.
    4. Cotton crop should be irrigated in hot weather especially in Otra –Chitra Nakshtra.
    5. Nitrogen should be given in the form of urea & ammonium
    6. Grow jowar crop as rotation crop.
      1. Collect the diseased plant debris and destroy it by burning.
    7. Grow resistant variety of cotton like Sujay and cotton 1449.
    8. Plough the soil deeply in summer.
    9. Soil should be drenched with 0.2% blitox or Brasicol 2 Kg per hectare.
    10. Farmers of Middle Gujarat growing cotton are recommended to follow seed treatment with commercially available bio-control agent   T. viride @ 5 g/kg seed for safer, effective and economical management of root rot disease of cotton (2002-03).         


    (B) Wheat, Gram, Paddy (Kharif-Summer) and Vegetable Research Project

    Recommendations on Sugarcane

    1. Sugarcane varieties viz. Co.775, 6806, Co.6304, Co.7602, Co-C-671, Co.7527, Co.87263, Co-Lk-8001 and Con-91132 are found to be suitable for cultivation in middle Gujarat agro climatic zone.

    2. In middle Gujarat at the time of pre-season planting sugarcane, it is quite profitable sowing of two rows of potato, three rows of onion and two rows of wheat in between two rows of sugarcane respectively.

    3. The farmers of middle Gujarat agro-climatic zone should plant their sugarcane crop from second week of December to second week of January and commence harvesting the cane by 11 to 14 months for getting the maximum yield and without deteriorating the quality of mid-late variety Co.6304.

    4. Cane growers of middle Gujarat agro-climatic zone are advised to grow wheat as a profitable inter crop in sugarcane in order to get the maximum net return/ha over sole crop of sugarcane. Two or three rows of wheat should be sown in between two rows of sugarcane at the time of Vapsa condition after sugarcane planting.

    5. For obtaining the higher net return per unit area and also for getting earlier income in long duration crop the farmers of middle Gujarat agro-climatic zone III are advised to grow one line of potato as inter crop in between two rows of sugarcane (1 meter) if the farmers desires to grow Rabi oil seeds as inter crops, two lines of linseed, keeping the space of 30 cm as inter crop in between two rows of sugarcane suit better.

    6. The farmers of middle Gujarat agro-climatic zone should plant their sugarcane crop from November to middle of January for getting maximum cane yield and high return from the crop of sugarcane either Co.7527 or Co-C-671 variety.

    7. Sugarcane growers of middle Gujarat agro-climatic zone III are advised to control the different weed flora with the application of Atrazine  @ 2.0 Kg/ ha as pre-emergence to get maximum net realization (46212 Rs./ha) with net C.B.R. (1:18.10) (37th AGRESCO, 2001).

    8. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-Climatic zone III growing pre-seasonal sugarcane are advised to take either one line of cabbage or cauliflower or three lines of Onion in between two line of sugarcane as an inter crop it gives net additional realization over no intercropping (i.e. sugarcane alone) to the extent of 45557, 24549 and 32414 Rs./ha with C.B.R. 1:3.44, 1:2.73 and 1: 2.50 respectively (37th AGRESCO, 2001).

    9. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-Climatic Zone III growing sugarcane are advised to applied 75% N2 and 80% P2O5 and K2O from chemical Fertilizer (i.e.187.5-100-100 NPK Kg/ha) and 25% N2 from T3 castor cake (1.5 t/ha) T2 FYM (12.5 t/ha) as a basal dose to secure higher cane yield and maintain soil fertility. (38thAGRESCO, 2002).

    10. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-Climatic Zone III growing sugarcane cv. Co-N-91132 are advised to apply 250 kg N2 , 125 kg P2O5 and 150 kg K2O per hectare for getting 10.3 t/ha higher cane yield with Rs. 8533 per hectare higher net profit over present recommended dose (i.e.250-125-125 NPK Kg/ha) (39thAGRESCO, 2003).

    11. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III growing sugarcane cv. Co-N-91132 are advised to plant sugarcane crop at 45-90-45 cm pair row method and intercrop it with cabbage for getting higher cane yield and net realization with C.B.R. (1: 4.48) for more profitable sugarcane cultivation (40th AGRESCO, 2004).

     (C)  Water Management Research Project

    I.  Wheat

    12. The farmers of middle Gujarat cultivating wheat in Mahi-Kadana command area are advised to give 5-6 irrigation to their crop with 6 cm depth. After irrigation at sowing, second irrigation should be given at 22 Days after sowing. Rest of irrigations should be given at 15-20 days interval. They should fertilize their crop with 120.0 kg N/ ha (NICBR=1:5.4). Under constraint condition they may apply 60 kg N/ha (NICBR=1:4.1) (31st AGRESCO, 1995).

    13. The wheat growing farmers of middle Gujarat Zone under the situation of irrigation water constraint and enough land availability are advised to irrigate their crop through sprinkler to save about 56 per cent of irrigation water. The crop needs five irrigations to be given at an interval of three weeks including the first irrigation at the time of sowing. The sprinkler system should be laid at 12 m × 12 m spacing and operated at 2.75 kg/cm2 pressure to achieve 1.67cm/hr application rate. The set should be operated for about three hours per irrigation for total application of 50 mm depth (36th AGRESCO, 2000).

    II. Groundnut

    14. The farmers of middle Gujarat growing summer groundnut in Mahi-Kadana command area are advised to irrigate their crop 8 times (0.9 IW:CPE ) with 6 cm depth each time. The irrigation may be given at 15 days interval during March and about 7-8 days interval during April and May when the soil is medium in available P, the crop may be fertilized with 40 kg of P2O5/ ha (ICBR= 1:2.2) (31st  AGRESCO, 1995).

    15. The farmers of middle Gujarat are advised to irrigate summer groundnut through sprinkler to get about 18-20 per cent more yield and income with about 10 percent saving in irrigation water under sufficient water availability. The system should be operated at 10-12 days interval in the month of February and March and 8-10 days interval in April and May months. Under scarcity of water, the system should be operated at three weeks interval in February-March and two weeks interval in April- May months to save about 27 percent water and bring about additional 0.4 ha area under irrigation.     

          The sprinkler system should be laid at 12 m × 12 m spacing and should be operated at 2.75 kg/cm2 pressure to achieve 1.67 cm/hr application rate. The set should be operated for about three hours per irrigation for total application of 50 mm depth (34th AGRESCO, 1998).

    III. Bajara

    16. The farmers of middle Gujarat Zone are advised to give 4-5 irrigations (in addition to the irrigation at the time of sowing) for their summer Bajara at 13-15 days interval during March and 10-12 days during April. They are also advised to fertilize their crop with 100 kg N/ha to get about 20 % more yield (34th AGRESCO, 1998).

    17. The farmers of middle Gujarat agro climatic zone are advise to adopt semi rabi pearl millet by transplanting one old seedling of GHB 744 or GHB 732 during 20th to 30th September for getting higher grain and dry fodder yield as well as net return (15th AGRESCO, Anand 2019).

  2. IV. Maize

  3. 18. The farmers of middle Gujarat Zone are advised to give 6-7 irrigations to maize crop (in addition to irrigation at sowing). The irrigation should be given at an interval of 15-18 days during February and 10-12 days during March. The crop should be fertilized with 150 kg N/ha to get 27% more yield (34th AGRESCO, 1998).

    19. The maize growing farmers of Narmada command area of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III are advised to give 7 (1+6) irrigations through sprinkler to get more yield (27%) and net return (37 %). The first irrigation should be given at the time of sowing and remaining 6 irrigations at an interval of 17 days. The sprinkler system should be laid at        12 m × 12 m spacing and should be operated at 2.75 kg/cm2 pressure to achieve 1.67cm/hr application rate. The system should be operated for a period of 3 hours (2nd AGRESCO, 2006).

    20. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III are advised to adopt drip system of irrigation for maize (Sweet corn) var. Madhuri to get higher green cob yield and income. The drip system should be laid out at a lateral distance of 0.90 m and dripper (4.0 lph) spacing of 0.60 m. The system should be operated for 2 hours with pressure of 1.2 kg/cm2 at alternate day during the crop period after establishment of crop. They are also advised to mulch their crop with sugarcane trash mulch @ 6 t/ha for getting higher green cob yield and net profit (6nd AGRRESCO, 2010).

    21. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III growing Rabi sweet corn are advised    to apply 18 kg N /ha (30% of RDN) along with 50 kg P2O5/ha as basal and 42 kg N /ha (70% of RDN) in three equal splits at 10 day interval starting from 20 DAS through fertigation to get higher green cob yield and net return.

          Drip Irrigation System details:


     Lateral spacing

    :  90 cm


    Dripper spacing

    :  60 cm


    Dripper discharge

    :  4 lph


    Operating pressure

    :  1.2 kg/cm2


    Operating frequency

    :  Alternate day


    Operating time

    :  2 hours

                                                                    (10th AGRESCO, Junagadh, 9-11 April, 2014)

    V. Cotton

    22. The farmers of middle Gujarat agro-climatic zone-III growing Bt. cotton var. Vikram are advised to apply vermicompost @ 2 t/ha and fertilize the crop with nitrogen @ 240 kg N /ha to get higher yield and net profit. Nitrogen should be applied in four equal splits at one month interval starting from sowing (7th AGRESCO Anand, 25-27 April, 2011).

    VI. Castor

    23. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III in Narmada command growing castor (late Kharif) are advised to give total 5 irrigations each of 50 mm in all furrows at an interval of 25-30 days to get higher yield (17.4 %) and net profit (29.8 %) as compared to flat bed irrigation. Black plastic mulching could increase castor yield by 20 % but not found economical (2nd AGRESCO, 2006).

    24. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III in Narmada command are advised to adopt drip irrigation system in castor crop to get higher yield and net returns. The drip system should be laid out at a lateral distance of 2.40 m (in pair row of 180-60-180 x 60 cm) and dripper (4.0 lph) spacing of 0.60 m.  The system should be operated for 7 hours with pressure of 1.2 kg/cm2 at an interval of 6 days during the crop period (October to March).              

              They are also advised to mulch their castor crop either with paddy straw @ 5 t/ha or with black plastic mulch (50µ) for getting higher net profit. (5th AGRESCO Anand, 8-9 April 2009).

    25. The farmers of middle Gujarat agro climatic zone-III are recommended to sow castor seed in paired row (60x60x180 cm) and irrigate as well as fertigate through drip at 0.8 FPE. The 30% of Recommended Dose of Nitrogen (RDN) (22.5 kg N/ha) and full dose of P (50 kg/ha) should be applied as basal and remaining N in three equal splits at an interval of one month through drip (8th AGRESCO Navsari, 19-21 April, 2012).

    VII. Sugarcane

    26. The farmers of middle Gujarat are advised to give 14 irrigations  (0.9 IW:CPE ratio with 80 mm depth) to the sugarcane crop at an interval of 20-22 days during December to February, 11-13 days during March and 8-10 days from April up to the onset of monsoon. They are also advised to fertilize their crop with 325 kg N/ ha (37th AGRESCO, 2001).

    27. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III growing sugarcane are advised to fertilize their crop with 150 kg N + 125 kg P2O5 + 125 kg K2O along with set treatment of Acetobacter diazotrophicus ACG-2 (containing 108 CFU/g) @ 4 kg ha-1 to save 100 kg N/ha, get 14% higher cane yield and net return of Rs. 75370/ha (2nd AGRESCO, 2006).

    VIII. Rajagira

    28. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone growing rajagira crop are advised to adopt line sowing method at 45 x 10 cm spacing and apply five irrigations each of 5 cm depth at an interval of 20-30 days (IW/CPE: 0.6) after sowing to get higher yield and net profit (7th AGRSCO Anand, 25-27 April, 2011).

    29. The farmers of middle Gujarat agro climatic zone growing grain amaranthus through organic sources are recommended to apply 4.0 t FYM /ha or 1.0 t Vermicompost/ha for getting higher yield and net return  (16th AGRSCO 18 June to 30 July2020 by Video Conferencing).

    IX. Fennel

    30. The farmers of middle Gujarat agro climatic zone-III growing drilled fennel during Rabi are advised to adopt drip method of irrigation at 0.8 FPE and fertilize the crop with 72 kg N/ha of which 25 % N (18 kg N/ha) as basal and 75% N (54 kg N/ha) in five equal splits at 10 days interval starting from 30 DAS.

            Drip Irrigation System details:


     Lateral spacing

    :  90 cm


    Dripper spacing

    :  60 cm


    Dripper discharge

    :  8 lph


    Operating pressure

    :  1.2 kg/cm2


    Operating frequency

    :  Alternate day


    Operating time

    :  30 minutes

                                                                        (10th AGRESCO, Junagadh, 9-11 April, 2014)


    X. Vegetables

    31. The farmers of middle Gujarat Zone are advised to give five irrigations to the cabbage crop. The first irrigation should be given six days after transplanting and then rest of 15-18 days interval (35th AGRESCO, 1999).

    32. The farmers of middle Gujarat Zone growing summer okra are advised to give nine irrigations to their crop (1.0 IW: CPE ratio with 60 mm depth) along with 150 kg N/ha. First three irrigations should be given at 9-10 days interval and the rest at weekly interval (36th AGRESCO, 2000).

    33.  The farmers of middle Gujarat Zone growing cabbage var. Golden acre are advised to give seven irrigations through sprinkler to save about 25 per cent of irrigation water (1.00 IW/ CPE ratio). First irrigation of 60 mm should be given on the day of planting and rest of 40 mm at 10-12 days an interval. The sprinkler system should be laid at 12 m × 12 m spacing and should be operated at 2.75 kg/cm2 pressure to achieve 1.67 cm/hr application rate. The set should be operated for about two and half hours per irrigation for total application of 40 mm depth (39th AGRESCO, 2003).

    34. The farmers of middle Gujarat zone growing summer okra var. GOH-1 are advised to give ten irrigations each of 60 mm depth (0.8 IW/CPE ratio). First irrigation should be on the day of sowing and rest at 10-12 days interval till March and then at weekly interval. They should also mulch the crop with sugarcane trash @ 5 t/ha to get about 25 % more yield and more income (39th AGRESCO, 2003).

    35. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III growing tomato are advised to give total 11 irrigations of 60 mm depth (1.0 IW/CPE ratio) at an interval of 15 days during December and January and then at 11 days interval during February to last picking for getting maximum net return of Rs. 103568/ha with CBR 1:3.90. They are also advised to mulch their tomato crop either with paddy straw@ 5 t/ha or black plastic mulch (50µ) for getting 50% higher net profit (2nd AGRESCO, 2006).

    36. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III in Narmada command area are advised to adopt drip system of irrigation in cabbage (rabi)- okra (summer) crop sequence to get higher net return (30 %). The drip system should be laid out at a lateral distance of 0.90 m (in alternate row) and dripper (4.0 lph) spacing 0.60 m. Cabbage (cv. Golden acre) should be planted across the lateral line and system should be operated at 1.2 kg/cm2 pressure for 50 minutes on alternate day. Okra (cv. Parbhanikranti) should be sown along the lateral line and system   should be operated at 1.2 kg/cm2 pressure for 100 minutes on alternate day (2nd AGRESCO, 2006).

    X. Guava

    37. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III growing guava (cv. L 49) are advised to adopt drip method of irrigation at 0.7 FPE for saving 34 % water without adverse effect on fruit yield as compared to surface irrigation. The system should be operated 3.0 hrs in October and February and 2.0 hrs 30 min from November to January at alternate day.

      System details


    Main pipe size

    : 75 mm


    Sub main pipe size

    : 63 mm


     Lateral spacing

    :  6.0 m


    Dripper spacing

    :  60 cm


    No. drippers per plant

    : 8


    Dripper discharge

    :  8 lph


    Operating pressure

    :  1.2 kg/cm2


    Operating frequency

    :  Alternate day

                                                                 (11th AGRESCO, Anand, 7-9 April, 2015)

    38. The farmers of Middle Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone-III growing guava under drip irrigation system are advised to apply 375-188-188 g NPK/tree (apply water soluble NP grade 310 g/tree, Urea 740 g/tree and MOP 315 g/tree) in four equal splits during 2nd and 4th week of June and September through fertigation to save 25 per cent fertilizers.

          (14th AGRESCO, Junagadh, 3-5 April, 2018)

    XI. Cropping systems

    39. The farmers of middle Gujarat zone in Mahi-Kadana command area are advised to adopt annual cropping sequence of paddy-maize (Green fodder) –summer groundnut to achieve a return of Rs. 2.55 for every rupee spent (29th AGRESCO, 1993).

    40. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III are advised to adopt cotton- vegetable cluster bean (Kharif-Summer) cropping system to get higher net profit (6nd AGRESCO, 2010).

    41. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III growing rajagira in Rabi are recommended to adopt rajagira based cropping system. Growing either maize or pearl millet in Kharif and okra (vegetable) in summer to get higher net profit. (7th AGRESCO Anand, 25-27 April, 2011).

    42. The farmers of middle Gujarat Agro-climatic zone-III following Bt cotton-castor relay cropping system are recommended to sow Bt Cotton in first week of June at 180 cm x 60 cm spacing and castor (GCH 7) in the last week of August in between two rows of cotton keeping 60 cm intra row spacing and fertilize with 75:50 kg NP/ha (25:50 kg/ha NP as basal and remaining 50 kg/ha N in two equal splits at 30 and 70 DAS) to achieve higher yield and net return (11th AGRESCO, Anand, 7-9 April, 2015).

    43. The farmers of middle Gujarat agro climatic zone growing summer sesame (Gujarat   Sesame 2) are recommended to sow the crop adopting paired row (30-30 cm x 15 cm : 60 cm) in last week of February and adopt drip irrigation at 0.8 PEF and fertilize with 40 kg N/ha i.e. 10 kg N/ha as basal and 30 kg N/ha in 5 equal splits at weekly interval starting from 25 DAS and 25 kg P as basal and liquid biofertlizer, Azispirilium and PSB, Bacillus coagulanse @ 1 lit/ha  for getting higher yield and net return (13th AGRESCO, SK Nagar, 5-7 April, 2017).

    44. The farmers of Middle Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone growing Bt cotton (cv. GCH 6) crop are recommended to apply 240 kg N/ha, of which 60 kg as basal and remaining 180 kg as top dressing in three equal splits at monthly interval for securing higher yield and net return      (14th AGRESCO, Junagadh, 3-5 April, 2018).

    XIII. Green gram

    45. The farmers of middle Gujarat agro climatic zone growing summer green gram (GAM 5) through organic sources are recommended to apply either FYM 2.0 t/ha + Bio NP 1 L/ha or Vermicompost 0.50 t/ha + Bio NP 1 L/ha or FYM 2.0 t/ha + Vermicompost 0.50 t/ha for getting higher yield and net return (16th AGRSCO 18 June to 30 July2020 by Video Conferencing)..

    XIV. Rice

    46. The farmers of middle Gujarat zone growing irrigated transplanted rice are advised to follow the schedule of application of 7.5 cm of standing water and irrigating it again two days after the disappearance of water from the field (29th AGRESCO, 1993).

    47. The farmers of Nawagam and Thasra area of middle Gujarat agro climatic zone are recommended to apply 10 t FYM/ha along with 100 kg N/ha (40 % basal, 40 % at tillering and 20 % at panicle initiation stage) in early maturing rice varieties either Gurjari or Mahisagar to get higher yield and net return. Whereas farmers of Dabhoi area growing early maturing rice variety Gurjari are recommended to apply 10 t FYM/ha along with 120 kg N/ha (40 % basal, 40 % at tillering and 20 % at panicle initiation stage) to get higher yield and net return (16th AGRSCO 18 June to 30 July2020 by Video Conferencing).


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