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Paddy Research Station, Dabhoi

Paddy Research Station, Dabhoi

Paddy Research Station

Anand Agricultural University

Modal Farm Dabhoi (Gujarat)

Dist. Vadodara pincode:391110

Phone : 9106425627



     The Centre was established in 1936-37 by R.G. Allen, Commissioner of Agriculture Baroda state to the aim make good use of irrigation water of vadhvana canal and to make demonstration of different crops cultivated locally and also known as modal farm due to the prepared modal of different crop using vadhavana canal irrigation water for providing information about cultivation of crop to the farmers of Baroda district. 

   The Paddy Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Modal farm Dabhoi is the Substation for Paddy Research in Gujarat, this station is located 4 km away from Dabhoi and 35 km away from Baroda. This research Centre is exclusively engaged for research in paddy crop. The mandates and brief salient achievement of this Centre are given as below.


  • To implement seed production programme of high yielding varieties of transplanting paddy and to provide same to farmers on no profit no loss basis.
  • To carry out research work to meet the need of developing production technology for increasing paddy production in Gujarat.
  • To contribute the development of high yielding, disease and insect tolerant varieties/hybrids of paddy crop with better quality.
  • To disseminate production technology to the farmers under sardar Sarovar project using various extension tools.
  • To find out water requirement of different crops & suggest ways to increase water use efficiency.
  • Conjunctive use of surface and underground water.
  • Impact of irrigation on change in soil characteristics water table and secondary salinization as well as to proved soil health card to the farmers of Narmada command.


Salient achievements


  1. This centre has contributed in release of 40 variety of paddy.  click here  
  2. Total 6 technology/recommended are developed by this centre. click here 
  3. Total 6 long term project / scheme are in operating at this here 
  4. Seed production programme. click here 









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