Paddy Research Station, Dabhoi

Agro-climatic information

Name of the agro-climatic Zone : Middle Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone-III
Rainfall: 800-1000 mm, Rainy days:35-40
Soil Taxonomic class- Typic Ochrepts
Texture Class- Medium
Depth (cm)- 75-100
pH- 7.9
Water Table (m)- 7 to 15
Temperature Max. (oC): 45o
Min. (oC): 7o
Geographical Details Latitude- 22o 11’ N
Longitude- 73o 27’ E
Altitude (M.S.L.)- 43.128 m
Soil Properties Type - Medium Black
pH - 7.9
Org.C. - 0.35%
Avail. N2 - 95 kg/ha
Avail. P2O5 - 55 kg/ha
Avail. K2O - 545 kg/ha
Conductivity - 0.89 dSm-1
Water Property - pH-8.2


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