Livestock is an important component of Indian rural and urban economies. However, the low productivity of livestock is a matter of concern, which is primarily due to insufficient fodder and feed resources. Concerted efforts are needed to augment the production of high yielding forage crops to enhance the productivity of animal wealth.
The cultivation of forage crops has gained importance in recent years due to rapid diminution of grassland and pasture areas. Growing forage crops as sole crop or in existing cropping systems, utilizing marginal and problematic soils is practiced to a varying degree throughout the country. This is especially true in tracts for dairy farming in Gujarat. Forage production has to be oriented in such a manner that there is a regular and continuous supply for a longer period. However, under rainfed conditions, availability of green forages is restricted only for three to four months in a year, owing to seasonal rainfall. Looking at the existing gap between the demand and supply, it is necessary to transfer the available technology of forage production to the farmer’s fields.
In Gujarat, the research work on grasses was started in 1963 under Grass Research Scheme at erstwhile Institute of Agriculture, Anand. Subsequently, Anand was identified as one of the center of AICRP on Forage Crops by ICAR in 1970. For strengthening research in forage crops in the state, a plan project was sanctioned by GAU in 1986 at Anand. The work on rainfed grasses is being conducted at Grassland Research Station, Dhari while the Main Forage Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand is conducting the research work on cultivated forage crops under irrigated conditions to cater the needs of the different regions of the Gujarat state.
In the context of technology transfer in forages, there has been relatively good progress in well defined production systems and varietal improvement. The majority of the farmers under the existing production systems are yet to get the advantage of forage production technology.