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Polytechnic in Food Science and Home Economics, AAU, Anand


: History :

The present polytechnic is transformed step by step as per the need of the days.


: School of Home Science :

The first step was the “School of Home Science” established in 1959 to educate the farmers’ daughter to co-up with education in agriculture. The institute was the first of its kind in the state of Gujarat. The school offers world-class education in Home Science to meet the increasing demand of those days for modern food dishes, nutritious food, hospitality management, child care, house decoration and furniture and human relationship as an art of home. It offers Certificate programmes in Home Science. Later on it was converted to Diploma programme in Home Science that provide art of home training to students.


: Polytechnic in Food Science and Home Economics :

To meet the increasing demand of health consciousness and nutritious food along with the processed food due to globalization scenario, the Home Science School was transformed into “Polytechnic in Food Science and Home Economics” from the year 2008-09. The main aim was to educate the student in food science and nutrition. Again the institute was the first of its kind in the state of Gujarat. It is proposed to offers “Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics”.


: Diploma in Food Technology and Nutrition :

Based on the experience of the decade and looking to the need of the present days for Processed Health food, Functional food, Nutraceuticals, Nutritionally Enriched Fast Food, Nutritionally dense food, Special age food, Sports food, Dietetic food, Planned food, Compulsory nutrition fact in Food Labelling etc. and need for conversion of fast food or traditional food into health food, it is highly essential to have manpower with knowledge both in Food Technology and Nutrition together in industries, institutions, organizations etc. The recent trend of research in Food Technology including Dairy Technology shows that there is an urgent requirement for a person in this field with background in Food Nutrition.  


These needs can easily be fulfilled by the students of Nutrition and Dietetics with little more knowledge in food technology. Thus they may easily be absorbed in food industry, institutions, organizations and such other places with special reference to nutrition. Moreover, pass out student has opportunity to join the degree programme in Food Technology along with Nutrition under “Diploma to Degree” scheme.  Thus the Diploma is modified to “Food Technology and Nutrition” from this academic year i.e. 2020-21. These students with Dip(FTN) are eligible to get admission in B.Tech.(FT) programme runs at State Agricultural Universities like Anand as per the prevailing 


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